Sunday 17 November 2013

amBhagamalini Nitya

Nitya Bhagamalini, whose name refers to the flowering yoni, is

second of the cycle of the waxing Moon and has a remarkable and very long vidya (mantra) which runs: Aim Hrim Shrim Am Aim Bhagabuge Bhagini Bhagodari Bhagamale Bhagavahe Bhagaguhye Bhagayoni Bhaganipatini Sarvabhagavashankari Bhagarupe Nityaklinne Bhagasvarupe Sarvani Bhagani Me Hyanaya Varade Rete Surete Bhagaklinne Klinnadrave Kledaya Dravaya Amoghe Bhagavicce Kshubha Kshobhaya Sarvasatvan Bhagodari Aim Blum Jem Blum Bhem Blum Mom Blum Hem Blum Hem Klinne Sarvani Bhagani Me Vashamanaya Strim Hara Blem Hrim Am Bhagamalini Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah.

She has six arms, three eyes, sits on a lotus and holds in her left hands a night water lily, a noose and a sugar cane bow and in her right a lotus, a goad and flowering arrows. Around her is a host of Shaktis all of whom look like her, according to the Tantrarajatantra.


Dakshinamurti Samhita has a different image (dhyana). Here (chapter 41), she is described as dwelling in the middle of a flowery forest, adorned with various gems, holding noose, goad, book, scales, nail (?) and writing implement, showing the mudras or hand gestures of allaying fears and bestowing boons. Her yantra is described differently, too, as triangle, hexagon, 16 petals, eight petals, then the bhupura or fence.


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